Member-only story
The Falling Spire
A few memes I have identified in relation to the fire at Notre Dame de Paris:
From the conservative catholic: The secular antichrist is here to destroy our tradition and culture, which is superior to all other traditions and cultures of the world. (Catholic chauvinism and triumphalism never die!)
From a radical feminist: This spire is the symbol of male oppression, and its collapse is a decisive victory against phal-logo-centric western patriarchy. (Blame it on the male erection)
From the new ager: The goddess Isis has arrived to announce the new age of love and light and bliss. (Really? But yes a temple of Isis prefigured Notre Dame)
From the atheist/materialist: It’s tragic that this beautiful relic of the past has fallen down, but in reality, Notre Dame just a bunch of old stones. (Nah, Notre Dame is a divine masterpiece forged in centuries blood and starlight.)
From the environmentalist: Global warming is the cause. Mother nature is angry. Human civilisation is a cancer. (Cliché and misanthropic.)
From the Marxist: Capitalism has no place for the sacred. Religion is the opium of the people. (Half true. Capitalism and the sacred don’t mix. But life is impoverished to the extreme without communities of faith and houses of being.)